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Chairman’s Message

“Our mission is to provide the children of India with the necessary skills to face the challenges of the 21st century”.

A child’s world is beautiful yet mysterious tapestry made up of a multitude of hopes and aspirations dyed in incandescent colors of thought and deed and their world is very much influenced by the school environment as they spend most of their childhood in school. Thus, schooling has the greatest influence on an individual’s life. It should enable the child to blossom into a well-balanced person, healthy in mind and spirit.

An investment made in a Lucknow International Public School education pays many dividends through life. From the moment he enters the school gates as a tiny tot, a child gets to realize who he is; and where his potential lies. Irrespective of his background or caliber, he is groomed and nurtured in a way that he can stride into the adult world, confidently, responsibly and independently.

The management of Lucknow International Public School brings together a great learning community. We strive to build independent, responsible, global citizens through a widely accepted curriculum and practices that are founded on learner-centric education. Therefore, our school will impart world class education through the best use of modern resources, developing young minds to think, question and create.

Our network of schools aim to fuse the strong cultural fundamentals of Indian society with advanced learning tools acquired from the world over giving education an exciting and dynamic direction.

As we open our doors to each new generation of students, expectations run high as we believe that each and every one of them will grow into the stars in our skies. Every day, every year we scale new heights, never standing still.


(Founder & Chairman)

Secretary’s Message

Dear Parents and Guardians

Our Core Aspiration is to provide an Educational Excellence, in that every student makes a positive difference during the time with us. In expecting Excellence we ensure that children enjoy school in a happy, safe and secure atmosphere designed to fulfill their potential. We also strive to provide a caring, supportive and challenging environment to the children, in which they can grow and flourish to the esteemed heights.

The curriculum emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge, useful skills, understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities for all students attending our school. The Management and staff believe that every student is unique and special and that they all have the ability to learn. We believe it is our responsibility as educators to nurture and develop every student to his/her maximum potential. Students are continually encouraged to appreciate our diverse community and to care for others by becoming global citizens and develop a concern and active respect for the environment.

Our school is an amazing playground where each child discovers his/her true calling and unleashes dreams and hopes for the future. An array of events and activities fill up the LIPS Calender. Inter School Cultural Competitions, Theme based assemblies, Subject Weeks, Sports Meets, Guest Speakers, Seminars, Workshops Excursions, the list is long and the enthusiasm for everything is endless. I take immense pride in acknowledging the team-work and efforts of all students and teachers.

Children are the most precious asset for us. We expect all the children to do their role as best as they can and aspire to excel in diverse fields. Also we would like to have a mutual support and partnership from parents and we request the parents to actively participate in their child’s school activities.

I strongly believe that true education should instill knowledge, creativity, tradition and Culture among the children.

Let us pray Lord Almighty to be with us forever and with his blessings I envisage the glorious future of Luck now International Public School.

Thank you for your interest in Global International School. We eagerly look forward to meeting you soon.


(Founder Secretary)

Principal’s Message

Dear Guardian’s & Children

Dear Members of the the Lucknow International Public School family, Well Wishers and Visitors, Greetings! It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Lucknow International Public School Website. We have tried to create an online resource that provides all relevant information about LIPS, and I hope that as you pursue through the contents of this website, you will get a sense of the rich flavor of life at our school.

We are passionate about creating a ‘learning’ institution that is dynamic and constantly seeking excellence to meet the needs of the present as well as the future, while learning from the ethical and moral value systems of the Indian past. LIPS is committed towards the complete development of a student; this includes academic knowledge, social skills, intellectual curiosity, Physical endurance and a special emphasis on self-discovery. We have a diverse group of students and teachers who possess a global perspective. We invest wisely in our human resources for the professional development of our staff and they in turn see themselves as part of the world-wide educational community.

Every student receives individual and personal attention and the maximum comfort possible. It is our endeavor to make education a purposeful, meaningful and enjoyable experience.

